RSM Announcements

Find out what's going on at RSM!

RSM Announcements:


  • RSM kicks back up this Wednesday, 6:30 - 8:00 in the Mill! We will be picking up our study of the gospel of John in chapter 7. Come and See Jesus and drink from the fountain of living water (John 7:37)!
  • Sign up for the Winter Retreat here! We are so excited to be going back to T Bar M this year. The focus this year is on friendship! We all need friends, but it is increasingly difficult for our students to cultivate solid, godly friendships. Let's explore together what the Bible has to say about the lost art of friendship. Deadline to sign up is January 31st.
  • Registration is open for the High School Mission Trip here. We are excited to go back to Tulsa with Praying Pelican Ministries. All the information can be found on the .life card. Deadline to sign us is February 28th.
  • RSM Snacks - Snacks are awesome! They are consumed upon arrival. Our students love them! If each family could sign up for a slot for the spring, that would be a huge help. Can you continue to bless these students in this way? The sign up genius can be found here!


Parents, will you join us and read this incredible book and discuss with your students? Fathers, your children need to hear this practical instruction from you! Join the author as he seeks to instill wisdom into his son. (P.S. - He has to say "listen/hear" a lot. Apparently teenagers didn't listen well back in ancient Israel. Who knew?)


  • January 15th - Wednesday Nights @ Redeemer begin.
  • February 21st - RSM Feed the Hunger Packathon Night.
  • February 28th - March 2 - Winter retreat @ T Bar M! 
  • You can find the Spring calendar here!