Pastor Mitch's Sabbatical & Essential Contact Information

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Pray for Pastor Mitch; Essential Contact Information Below

Pastor Mitch will be on Sabbatical from Sunday afternoon, October 6 until Monday, December 30, 2024. He will then preach again on Sunday, January 5, 2024.

“A ministry sabbatical... is about the spirit and soul being refreshed, renewed, and redirected.” Dale Wolyniak, Focus on the Family

“While the world promotes, even rewards, a driven, multitasking, hurried, overworked lifestyle, church leaders (and everyone) need to pursue the grossly underestimated value of proactive rest. A period of intentional rest, revitalization, and recalibration is anything but nonproductive downtime from work. Sabbatical rest is crucial for kingdom-minded, Spirit-led leadership.” Bill Wellons, Fellowship Associates

Please pray for Pastor Mitch while he’s on sabbatical, that he’ll experience physical and mental rest, along with emotional and spiritual renewal. Pray that his body and spirit will be restored, and that he’ll return refreshed, reenergized and revitalized for his next season of ministry at Redeemer. 

“Rest time is not waste time.

It is economy to gather fresh strength.”

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Find essential contact information below:

STAFF TEAM - Office: 281-371-2156

Pastor Antonio Muñoz will serve as the interim Lead Pastor while Pastor Mitch is on sabbatical. 

Antonio Muñoz, Spanish Pastor and Interim Lead Pastor

Cell: 346-310-3674

Haylee Wilson, Kids Director

Cell: 832-726-5560

Craig Remlinger, Family and Student Director

Cell: 281-923-1928

Colin Michaelis, Adult Director (Groups)

Cell: 773-575-1463

Mark Wells, Worship Director

Cell: 713-822-7304

Katie Kattner, Church Administrator

Cell: 713-569-5254

Colton Wilson, Pastoral Intern

Cell: 832-490-5874

ELDER TEAM (w/ Sabbatical Emphasis)

Joey Perot (Kids Ministry)

Cell: 346-405-1200

Erin Doe (Student Ministry)

Cell: 281-450-4090

Forrest Bjerkaas (Adult Ministry)

Cell: 281-455-5027

Matt Williamson (Worship Gatherings/Prayer) 

Cell: 832-520-6799